- Start Screen – enter your email address and select your delegate type, as determined by the LCA Constitution (including visitors and apologies).
- Please note that, due to space constraints, visitors will be seated in the Redeemer Lutheran College chapel where live-streaming of all sessions will be screened.
- Those wishing to lodge an apology will only need to enter their details on this screen and the next (Personal Information). After those screens are complete, go to the end of each screen, click ‘continue’ without entering any data and then ‘finish’ on the last screen.
- Personal Information Screen – enter your details so we know who you are, where you are from and how to contact you.
- There is space provided to list disability/mobility service needs and creche requests.
- You will need to consent to photographs and video being taken during Convention.
- Agenda Screen
- Arrival Bus Transfers
- Request bus transfers. Bus transfers are available from Brisbane airport to Rochedale on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning.
- Please ensure we know your flight arrival time by entering it in the text box.
- The last bus to leave the airport for the opening service departs at 6:20pm. Booked bus services, direct to your hotel (only those on the Accommodation page), will continue after this time.
- Please note that taxi fares to Rochedale can be up to $100. Alternatively, public transport (bus and train) is available. Allow 60–90 minutes and budget approximately $60.
- Daily Bus Transfers
- Buses will travel around the accommodation identified on the Accommodation page. If you are staying elsewhere you will need to find alternative transport to and from Rochedale.
- Please identify the name of your accommodation to ensure that we know where we are picking up and setting down passengers.
- Departure Bus Transfers
- Bus transfers to Brisbane airport from Rochedale on Sunday will commence after the morning service and morning tea. At this stage, the first buses leave at 12 noon.
- Please ensure that we know your flight departure time by entering it in the text box.
- Meals
- Meals for every day − select those meals you are ordering for the days you are attending.
- We are expecting that all delegates will attend each session.
- Please note specific meal requests under the meal lists.
- This is where you can add another person to your registration if required.
- Checkout screen – displays the appropriate registration fee (this is calculated from the agenda screen), gives you information to pay electronically later (you can print or email an invoice from the next screen), details the refund policy and confirms your registration.
- You do not have to create an account. An account may be created if you wish to save your details for future events (eg District Convention).
- Confirmation screen – gives options to print your registration, print or email an invoice – do one or both of these for your treasurer who can then pay electronically – and print a map.
- Click on the ‘Click here to pay now via LCA Donations and Payments’ button. This will take you to the LCA Donations and Payments system to make a credit card payment.
- If you want to pay by electronic transfer, close this website down and go to your banking system.
- You will receive an email confirming your registration.
You will be able to update your registration before the closing date of 31 August, if you have details which change or which are not yet known (eg accommodation or flights). Please register now even though you may not have travel and accommodation finalised – enter those details later if you want bus transfers.
If you have any difficulties or questions about the registration process, please contact Jayne Welke or Debbie Venz at synod@lca.org.au or on 08 8267 7342.